This form provides an unofficial estimate of property taxes, for your planning purposes. Many factors may affect the actual tax bill. Follow the information entry directions in either of the forms below for an unofficial estimate of your property taxes. This form is based on current tax rates.
Questions about tax rates, homestead exemption, or other matters? Check our Topics of Note page under the Assessor Info tab for detailed explanations.

Residential Property Tax Estimator

Fair market value of your property:
Does this property qualify for homestead exemption?
Note: Raw land does not qualify.
Property is located in:
If in City of Lafayette, is property within Lafayette Downtown Development District (DDA)?

Real Property Tax Estimate

Fair Market Value =
Assessed Value =
Homestead Exemption =
Taxable Assessed Value =
{{taxYear}} Parish Tax Rate =
Parish Tax Due =
{{taxYear}} City Tax Rate =
{{selectedReArea}} Tax Due =
{{taxYear}} DDA Tax Rate =
DDA Tax Due =
Total Tax Due =

Commercial Property Tax Estimator

Fair market value of land (put 0 if calculating building tax only, as for a building on leased land):
Fair market value of building(s) on this property, if any (put 0 if no buildings):
Property is located in:
If in City of Lafayette, is property within Lafayette Downtown Development District (DDA)?

Commercial Property Tax Estimate

Fair Market Value, Land =
Fair Market Value, Building(s) =
Assessed Value, Land =
Assessed Value, Building(s) =
Total Assessed Value =
{{taxYear}} Parish Tax Rate =
Parish Tax Due =
{{taxYear}} City Tax Rate =
{{selectedTangibleArea}} Tax Due =
{{taxYear}} DDA Tax Rate =
DDA Tax Due =
Total Tax Due =
**Unofficial Estimates**
These estimates are provided for your planning purposes only. Several factors may affect your actual tax bill.